
What is the purpose of the CoinMarketTip?

The purpose of CoinMarketTip is to provide tools helping you to find valuable cryptocurrencies based on your search criteria. Its purpose is also to aggregate valuable information for each cryptocurrency on the market - social activities, technical analyses, forecasts, events, rating, etc.

You can read more about the CoinMarketTip here.

What sources of information does the website use?

The main sources of information are CoinMarketCap, feeds from social networks, TradingView and other.

If you have a good suggestion for an information source or you would like to suggest a feature, you can make a request.

How do I purchase cryptocurrency?

CoinMarketTip does not sell cryptocurrencies directly. The best way to find where to buy is by looking on CoinMarketCap (go to the markets section of the choosen cryptocurrency).

In what time zone is the site based?

Data is collected, recorded, and reported in UTC time unless otherwise specified.


What is Market Cap?

Market Cap is an abbreviation of Market Capitalization and it is a way to rank the relative size of a cryptocurrency.

It's calculated by multiplying the Price by the Available Coin Supply.

Market Cap = Price X Available Coin Supply.

What is 24 Volume?

The approximate total volume is the sum of the transactions, including buying and selling for the last 24 hours.

Another way to calculate the 24 volume is to compare it with the Market Cap of the coin: 24 Volume = (24 Volume X 100)/Market Cap

What is Available Coin Supply?

Available Coin Supply is the best approximation of the number of coins that are circulating in the market and in the general public's hands.

What is Max Coin Supply?

Max Coin Supply is the best approximation of the maximum amount of coins that will ever exist in the lifetime of the cryptocurrency.

What is Unreleased Coin Supply?

Unreleased Coin Supply is the best approximation of the number of coins which are still not release in the market but they most certainly will be released. This number is calculated by subtracting the max coin supply from the available coin supply.

Unreleased Coin Supply = Max Coin Supply - Available Coin Supply

Another way to calculate the unreleased coin supply is in percentages:

Unreleased Coin Supply = ((Max Coin Supply - Available Coin Supply) X 100)/Max Coin Supply

What is Change 1h, 24h and 7d?

The percentage change of the Market Cap for the last 1 hour, 24 hours and 7 days.